The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I went to clean my car tonight, because it was not suitable to get into for more than 3 seconds. Especially after travelling with Emma in the car all weekend (more on that in a later post).

I go through the automatic car wash (it's a company car, so the company picks up the tab, else I'd do it by hand for $2.00) in downtown Johnson (next to Curt's Place). As I'm sitting there organizing the junk in my console, I think to myself, "What do other people do while they're waiting for the automatic car wash to finish?

So, what do you do??

5 Responses to “At the Car Wash”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    i can never afford automatic car wash, plus i like the wand-wash. i'm weird.  

  2. # Blogger Jason

    Im all over the automatic wash. I have major beef with holding that dang handle down for 4-5 minutes with the manual washes. Your hand ends up hurting like crazy. I mean, who doesn't hold it down full power the whole time. They should make one that goes full power the whole time with no holding down of anything. Anyway, I carry a swifer in my car and wipe my dash and such while the car wash is going.  

  3. # Blogger John Nelson

    Carrying a swiffer around is a great idea!! I need to adopt that dash gets NASTY!  

  4. # Blogger Sarah

    I'm sure you already know this but maybe not since we haven't played "over the mountain" in a while. I'm not even sure you can talk about these things on a blog! Get it?  

  5. # Blogger John Nelson

    Now THAT's funny!  

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