The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I realized that I have an extremely random and unhealthy fear. Yesterday, driving home from work, I decided it was really nice outside and drove with my windows down and held a 75mph speed (about 5mph slower than normal). Any faster, and the roar of the wind is unbearable for me.

As I passed several cars in the right lane (a whole ranting post in itself), I re-discovered my unhealthy fear: being hit in the face/ear with a rock kicked up by a passing vehicle. Yeah, random. But who hasn't almost wet themselves when a semi throws a big rock up and it smacks their windshield? Same fear, just with the idea that a rock could directionally come through my window and rip my ear off.

Despite my unhealthy fear, I continued to drive with my windows down. I just bent my head in toward the middle of the car a bit more than usual. Does anyone else have any random, unhealthy fears? I'd love to hear them (mainly so I don't feel quite so ridiculous)!

3 Responses to “An Unhealthy Fear”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have an unhealthy fear of rolling my eyes at other people's posts that I think are ridiculous...

    did I say that out loud? ha ha ha

    love ya' buddy!!!  

  2. # Blogger John Nelson

    During a work-related caravan trip to Dallas, my car load got in front of my boss's car and started dropping powdered donuts float back and hit thier windshield a few times! Tons of fun (which the boss THANKFULLY thought was funny, too).  

  3. # Blogger Nate's Nonsense

    I have an unhealthy fear of housework, yardwork, and work in general.

    I think it might be a bit extreme to think that a rock would be shot out sideways by a passing vehicle, but crazier things have happened.  

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