The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

You Failed the US Citizenship Test

Oops, you only got 6 out of 10 right!

5 Responses to “Citizenship Revoked Over Dumb Questions”

  1. # Blogger Josh and Margo

    We should deport you to France. I passed, 7 out of 10.

  2. # Blogger Josh and Margo

    I noticed that you put a calender on your blog over on the right. I think that is a great idea to let me and the rest of the world know when you will be out of town so I can come rob your house.

  3. # Blogger Spencer

    Cheer up, I only got four right. You'd think I would ace it after taking american history in college three times.  

  4. # Blogger John Nelson

    Josh, in addition to my calendar, I have some fancy user-tracking software that tells me the time and location of everyone who visits my blog. So, if you were to break into my house, I'd have the Xfiles gang reference my blog stats then arrest your criminal butt.

    I'd also tell them you abuse Hastings' book return policy. I'm sure that's an extra month in the slammer for ya!  

  5. # Blogger John Nelson

    I totally agree...they should tell you which ones you missed.  

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