I'm a pretty big fan of the blog ring that's going on. I find myself checking it a few times throughout the day to see if anyone posted or commented or commented about a comment. I'm pretty addicted to it.
And what I find pretty amazingly weird is this: people I'm not really sure I know or have met have links to my blog! Crazy.
And when I meet people, they're like "Oh yeah! You're the Nellie Spot!" (I changed the name recently because Miller said it sounded strange...I crumple quickly under peer pressure, so it's now just 'John & Allison Nelson').
Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out (such a junior high phrase) to the Blog Ring. Maybe we should formally title the Blog Ring this: The Ring of Fellowship! (you know, instead of the Fellowship of the Ring...get it?)
Man, I'm witty.
Published by John Nelson
on November 18, 2004 at 9:44 PM.
And what I find pretty amazingly weird is this: people I'm not really sure I know or have met have links to my blog! Crazy.
And when I meet people, they're like "Oh yeah! You're the Nellie Spot!" (I changed the name recently because Miller said it sounded strange...I crumple quickly under peer pressure, so it's now just 'John & Allison Nelson').
Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out (such a junior high phrase) to the Blog Ring. Maybe we should formally title the Blog Ring this: The Ring of Fellowship! (you know, instead of the Fellowship of the Ring...get it?)
Man, I'm witty.
I'm not changing your blog name on your link on my blog. The Nellie Spot lives on. Tell Miller to go chew on a rock (what does that even mean?).
well, since I haven't even changed the Nellie Spot link on my blog, I guess it lives on. Long live the Fellowship.