The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Allison and Emma went to Little Rock on Friday, and they'll return Wednesday. Now, I miss them something awful, but I wasn't going to lounge around and waste my free time.

Friday night, the first official meeting of The Letterbox Club met at my house to watch "This is Spinal Tap". It's been a long time since I'd seen it last, and I forgot just how darn funny that movie is!

On Saturday, 3 of my friends (Josh Ayres, Ben Elkins, and Todd England) drove to Tulsa to hang out and celebrate Ben's last weekend in Arkansas. Ben and Erica Elkins are moving to Nashville, TN so Ben can pursue a music career. We left my house around 7:45 AM, and got to McLure Park to play our first round of disc golf. At 10:00 AM when we got there, the temperature was already over 90 degrees. We trudged around the course and finished around 11:30. We headed back to our cars to go get some lunch and saw some dudes dressed like knights (not metal armour, but very thick, authentic-looking stuff). They were whackin' each other with wooden swords and carried thick aluminum shields. We started the cars to let them cool down and watched these guys pound away on each other. One of the girls called us over and told us they are part of the SCA, a group of people that re-inact midevil times...the whole kit-n-caboodle. They told us all about what they do and the equipment that they use. They even offered to let me hold a shield while someone wailed on me. I accepted (though utterly scared), and this guy whacked my shield about 3 times. I gotta say: it hurt.

After an amazing lunch at Arby's, we headed to Chandler Park to play another round. We started around 1:30, and the temp was pushing 112 on the heat index. It was painfully hot. I beat the guys pretty badly at this round, and we were beat by the heat at the end. We decided to see a movie to cool down and then play another round at McLure. We went to see "The Island" at the AMC on Yale. Great show!

When we went in to the movie, it was still in the 110+ temp range. So I rolled my windows down to keep it cooler than an oven. But when we came OUT of the movie, it was a torrential downpour! There were wind gusts up to 60 mph, and the street was flooded. My car was soaked on the inside. We decided to go eat some dinner and see if the storm would pass. Todd bailed on us and went to McCalister to see his mom and pick up his dog. So Ben, Josh and I went to Hideaway Pizza. The food was great, but the conversation was just as good. The entire time (almost 1 1/2 hours), we spoke in English accents! It was getting dark, so we couldn't play another round of disc, and we just headed home. The entire trip home, we continued to talk in English accents...and there were times where I had a hard time driving because I was laughing so hard!

We got to my house around 10:40 PM, and went to Hastings to pick up the movie Snatch. Great movie, all based in London, so we got some more English accents to finish the night. I crashed around 1:00 AM and slept in 'till 10:00 was lovely.

Unfortunately, I was planning on getting back from Tulsa around 4:00 PM then driving to Little Rock to surprise Allison, then go see my brother-in-law Sam speak at Grace Church and finally meet the infamous Grant English. Sorry, Grant, but I couldn't make it due to extreme fatigue and friends that don't like to get home early.

But what a fun weekend! I hope everyone else's weekend was fun!

2 Responses to “Fun Weekend”

  1. # Blogger Grant

    man...the only thing missing was poker and halo 2.

    i still would've loved to seen ya' today.

    Sam did a great job, his wife is cool too...but I expected that because you know all of us youth pastors roll like that.  

  2. # Blogger Lafe

    so you celebrated someone's last weekend in arkansas by going to tulsa?

    it still sounded like fun, except for those wind gusts and the fact that tulsa's average temp was roughly the equivalent of the sun's core.  

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