The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

My sister called this evening as the Nelson household was finsihing dinner. She told us that she went grocery shopping at the Springdale Wal*Mart Supercenter instead of her normal Fayetteville Supercenter. As she and her 2 sons were heading from the back of the store to check out, one of her sons heard a helicopter that sounded super close to the store. Amy got a bit spooked and gathered the kids around her. Then they heard the cops and firetruck screaming into the parking lot. She rushed back to the Lawn & Garden center and crouched down in the checkout stand with her kids as a man rushed into the store followed by a group of policemen. Apparently, the man running from police made it to the employee-only storage area in the back of the Supercenter before being shot in the back. Here's the local coverage of the story (which isn't nearly as crazy sounding as Amy's version). Everyone is OK, but she's pretty freaked out over the whole thing.

Just when it seems that the rest of the nation and Fort Smith are the only places with crime, we get our few moments of reality (another example is the Boston club beater who got shot down outside of my hometown, Mtn. Home a few months back).

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