The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Man, sorry for not posting much this past week. Having posted roughly 6 pictures of Emma (understandibly so, of course), I decided to actually write a post.

However, nothing much has happened in the past week worth reading about...except work, travel, and sickness.

First, our really expensive, really cool, really complex server system broke at work. It took roughly 15 hours to diagnose what the problem was and how to attack it. We finally got it fixed, but after lots of time up and the office late at night.

Secondly, having been at work Friday night/Saturday morning until 3:00 AM, the fam headed to Branson with our old community group. Having several children between the families, everyone took their own car. We stayed at my parent's condo and rented the one next door to accomodate all the kiddos and parents. The women went shopping Saturday afternoon while the guys watched the kids, took naps, and caught up. When the ladies returned, we all packed up and went to Silver Dollar City to see the lights. It took about 45 minutes to get from the condo into SDC. We parked in a place I'm not God even knows about because it's so far away from the park. Once we got inside with the other 17,000 people, we went get some grub. With 17,000 people and 10 places to eat inside the park, you can imagine the wait we had. So, after we ate, we realized the kids had to go to bed soon. So most of the parents packed up and left, having been there for only about 90 minutes. We still got to eat and see the lights, but not much quality time just hanging out. Man, kids change your life! Sunday, we got up and the ladies made an extravegant breakfast. Some went shopping (again), and the rest of us just chilled and hung out. Then everyone left. Good times were had by all.

Thirdly: sickness. Allison called me Friday to let me know Emma was vomitting and had the runs. Thankfully, it was a 24-hour bug, so she wouldn't probably be contagious to the other kids in Branson. So Emma was puny, sleepy, and fussy all weekend long. We get home from Branson and Allison starts getting sick (same symptoms...icky). So I had an ailing wife and child on my hands Sunday. Being a parent is tough. But it is all worth it when you baby curls up on your shoulder and just wants to be held. God did good when he made baby girls.

So that's my weekend in a nutshell.

A very large, over-worked, over-stressed, under-time-managed, sickening nutshell.

To end on a brighter note: I am taking off all next week to hit up both families for Christmas! Little Rock (Allison's fam), then Mountain Home (my fam), then back to Little Rock for actual Christmas. Good times.

2 Responses to “Work is called work for a reason”

  1. # Blogger Jason

    it is simply amzing John that you find time for Halo in all of this. "Grim Reaper 77 killed meelah" dang it. It was of course with a rocket.  

  2. # Blogger John Nelson

    Yeah...Halo is my anger outlet, so I need to take time and play it so I don't snap at work.

    And yes, I love the rocket launcher. And the sword.

    But there were many times last night I saw this message:
    "You were assasinated by meelah".

    And I never saw the little red dot on radar.  

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