The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Well, I'm pretty darn behind in blogging. As others have cranked out the blogs, I've been trying just to keep up with reading them all!

Allison, Emma, and I went to Lake Texoma last weekend with our friends Josh & Martha Ayres and their son Evan. We stayed at Martha's grandmother's super retro cabin...and I mean retro like it was purchased and furnished in changes since then. It was amazing!

We tried the kiddos out on the ski boat Saturday afternoon, and that didn't go over well. Firstly, no one in the group really had any experience driving a boat. I've driven a lot, but sporadically over my lifetime, and NEVER docking / undocking from a slip. All in all, we didn't wreck and didn't die (which was our prayer each time we got on the boat), so I call that a successful boat outing! After getting the kids off the boat (we only spent about 45 minutes on the water), we took them back and fed them and layed them down for naps. Josh stayed around to watch them so me, Allison, and Martha could go back on the boat. We skiied and tubed for almost 4 hours...tons of fun! That night, we just hung out, talked, and watched the World Series of Poker.

Emma was a spawn of Satan Saturday night. She woke up about 1:30 AM, and didn't go back to bed until roughly 5:00 AM. I was getting her, and had to use the bathroom. So I put her back in her pack-n-play so I could relieve myself. I hear her screaming (as the bathroom is right next door to her room), then I hear a big THUMP, a pause in the screaming, then a MUCH louder scream. Yup! She climbed out of her crib and fell to the ground! Allison and I finally got to her fall asleep next to us in bed around 5:00 AM, and got to sleep until around 9:00 AM.

We went straight out to the boat and got into the water pretty quickly, with the kids on board. they did much better this time, and Emma sat in my lap as I drove the boat...which she loved!
We slid up onto some shallow waters near a beach and anchored. We all got off and spent about an hour just playing in the water and on the was really fun! As we were trying to push off to head back to dock, we realized the boat had floated too far into shore and the motor was buried about 6 inches into the sand! Josh and I start digging and masking our pure panic. Then I realized I had seen a "trailor" button on the gear stick on the boat! Hooray! We lifted the motor up out of the sand and got back into driveable waters!

It was a really great weekend, and Emma did really well in the car (thanks be to God for the creation of portable DVD players and baby Einstein videos!). It was great spending some quality time with the Ayres', too! And I got to hone some of my boat driving skills...of course, I would prefer to not have done it around $400,000 boats!

1 Responses to “Land O' Lakes!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Why do kids have their spawn of satan sleeping habits when you're out of town? I completely sympathize with you! Max has done that to us in Tulsa and Branson. Love that.  

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