The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

5 Responses to “Newsflash! The Hogs SUCK!”

  1. # Blogger Wayne

    Yet one more reason that NW Arkansas sucks!  

  2. # Blogger John Nelson

    Last I checked, they weren't the "NWA Razorbacks". They're called the ARKANSANSAS Razorbacks.

    And the Rock fought awfully hard to keep games down there, which we (the place of the actual University) graciously allowed you to have them.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Matt Jones Please come back!!!


  4. # Blogger Drew Caperton

    Matt Jones wasn't that great of a QB, remember? Everyone was saying the exact same thing when he was there. Maybe there was a little Heisman garble thrown in there, but not much different than now.

    And aboubt LR and NWA, the Hogs would suck no matter where they played. The fan base in NWA is unbeattable and loves the Hogs in a way that LR never could. And this is coming pretty objectively from someone who lived there and wasn't a Hog fan.  

  5. # Blogger Wayne more reason ARKANSAS SUCKS!


    Plus, we have margaritas at our bible studies in LR :-)  

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