The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Today at the mall, I was reminded of a pet peeve I have.

The whole fam was at the mall today to eat lunch and hang out. Allison, me, Emma, and Allison's parents were there. I was leaving to take Emma home for her nap when I got to the foodcourt entrance of the mall. Since I have a large stroller and an increasingly unhappy child, I used the handicap entrance with the automated doors. As the doors slowly open, a group of 10 teenagers walk in through the doors and block my exit path. I then had to re-hit the button to get the doors to open back up (since they took so long getting in, the doors closed again) and make my exit.

Now, there are about 6 doors on that entrance, and they could have used any of the other 5. I couldn't use the other 5, since the doors are very heavy, and it's hard enough moving that stroller around. These inconsiderate punks just stroll on through the open doors, having seen me standing there from several feet away from the door. I gave them the "You gotta be freaking KIDDING me" look, and the first guy actually had a "Shoot...sorry" look. None of the others did. I felt like the old guy getting mad at stupid teenagers. And you know what? I was.

1 Responses to “Newly Remembered Pet Peeve”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    wow, that's unfortunate. punk kids!

    i met your wife on sunday at the kelley baby shower. wow, it is such a small world!
    i thought i recognized her . . . but i didn't want to be the psycho who is staring trying to figure it out (i probably was anyways) . . . then we were introduced and everything made sense again ;)
    Allison reminds me EXACTLY of a high school friend of mine.
    anyways, nice to meet you Allison!  

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