The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Once a year, the city will pick up anything you put out for trash. I guess the only requirement is that they can lift it and throw it in the back of the truck. Take a gander at the incredible stuff I will be throwing out. That's right...I have somehow accumulated the following items:
1) The "A" sign from Chic-Fil-A
2) A toilet
3) A baby pool (inherited from previous house owners)
4) A nasty end table
5) About 25 pounds of blinds
6) And our normal trash

I'll be very interested to see what items remain when I get back home from work tomrrow.

3 Responses to “The Great Garbage Giveaway!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You are a disgrace to your neighborhood! I'm surprised your house doesn't have wheels, pink flamingos in the yard, and a couple concrete yard ornaments. PITIFUL!!!  

  2. # Blogger Shelli

    John Crapper would be very upset that you are throwing out his beloved piece of art.  

  3. # Blogger shauna

    well? did any items remain when you got home from work?  

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