The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I'm only 28, but apparently I'm getting old. Here are a few reasons why I think this:

1) I choose sleep over late-night XBOX. I used to be able to start playing XBOX around 10:30 PM and play until 2:00 AM, getting up for work at 6:45 the following day without any indication that I got just shy of 5 hours of sleep. Now, if I get less than 7 hours of sleep, I'm completely worthless the next day at work (or whatever the next day events are). So I'm having to now choose between XBOX and sleep...and it's sad that I choose sleep.

2) It's getting harder to drive fast at night. During the day, I'm a 10mph over the speed limit driver. However, I've realized over the past year or two, that I'm slowly drifting down to a 4-5mph over the speed limit nighttime driver. This fact really bothers me. I don't know if it's my eyes and how they work in the dark, or some other "aging" factor. Either way, I hate it...and it kills my travel time.

3) I'm constantly shocked by the lyrics of popular songs on the radio. Now, I have to admit that I'm caught "mid-age" on this one. I catch myself listening to 50 Cent's "Just a 'Lil Bit", turning up the bass, and grooving along with a white man's head bob every now and then. However, when I stop and listen to the words, I literally stare at the radio in the dashboard and say out loud "What the? Did he really say that?" And this leads to my next aging reason:

4) I refer to current teenagers as "that generation". So when I hear 50 Cent tell me to "unbutton my pants just a 'lil bit", I think, "Man, this generation of kids! No wonder they're all having crazy sex with each other...just listen to what this generation is listening to! It's appalling!" Man...I am my dad.

5) Another "mid-age" reason (meaning, I frown upon it due to age, but still do it on occassion) is this: kids speeding through the neighborhood. Drives me nuts. Maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and I'm thinking of the safety of my child, but when someone comes speeding down the street (GASP! 30 mph!!! How dare they!), I get mad at them. I've actually caught myself wanting to shake my fist in the air and yell "slow down!". Thankfully, I haven't done that yet.

6) This one is the kicker and mother of all "I'm getting old" criteria: I'm contemplating getting a minivan! Yeah, just reading it on the page makes me want to laugh and mock myself openly. I've used the phrase "but it's so PRACTICAL and EFFICIENT for my needs!". Yup...I'm old.

4 Responses to “Signs that I'm Getting Old”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You must not getting to old in the area of speeding. I believe we have paid for 2 speeding tickets in the past 3 months.
    The minivan makes me laugh as well, but yes it is practical. Sad, but practical. The choice is yours with the car. You are the one that is going to be driving it everyday.
    I LOVE YOU!!!  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I was trying to piece the words together in my head to scream yesterday at the ghettoed out Geo that sped out of the cul-de-sac going at least 30 miles per hour. There were kids everywhere! I was so mad. 10 years ago, that was me (except for the Geo hiked up with a fin and hydrolics, I am proud to say THAT was never me)
    AND... we too are contemplating a mini-van. I swore and even bet a guy I would never drive one. But, they are so practical and cheap!  

  3. # Blogger shauna

    minivan??? okay, i can understand all the other reasons, but minivan is definitely a sign of age! :P
    i'm appalled you would consider it!! :)  

  4. # Blogger Wayne

    1. Oh...sleep..wonderful sleep!
    2. Sad part is that I think I'm speeding, but look down and am going slower than the speed limit.
    3. They're straight from the pit of hell, I tell you!
    4. Geez, those kids...they just need Jesus!
    5. Umm, not only have I shaken my fist at them and yelled "slow down" I've actually chased a few down on foot. Called the cops..and even stood in front of a speeding school bus to make her slow down.
    6. Did that 6 years ago!  

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