The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I love being a Daddy! My Father's Day highlights:
  • Quality time with my Xbox 360 (during Emma's naptime)
  • Quality time with the fam at the Springdale Aquatic Center
  • Family picnic in the backyard (hot dogs with Ruffles & French Onion Dip...yum!)
  • Doubles tennis at Tyson Park
Another reason I love being a Dad is because of the funny things kids say, in my case, what Emma says. There are 2 instances where I'm pretty sure she dropped some large profanity. Though I seriously doubt that she was actually saying the words, my depraved mind sure did translate them as such!

Instance 1: The fam is traveling to Hot Springs. Emma starts to freak out and gets her arms out of her carseat. I tell her that she needs to put her arms back in so Mommy doesn't get arrested. I also threw in (just for kicks) that Mommy doesn't need to give birth to this baby in prision, like she did with Emma. Emma's immediate response was "No Shit!" and giggled a little. What the? Allison and I look at each other and then back at Emma who is now looking out the window. We laugh really hard for a long, long time.

Instance 2: Last night, Emma and I (along with Belle) went on a date. We picked up Sonic and picnicked at Gulley Park. Driving up the giant hill (Township), Emma kept saying "Big Hill". I said, "yes, it's a biiiig hill". Then she busted out "Big Ass Hill". She said it a few times while I was laughing and mentally noting to blog the moment. Instead of correcting her, I redirected her and told her that we're getting ready to go DOWN the big hill, which brought on a whole new fascination with the hill.

We're not sure if she was really saying those words, or where she even heard them. I'm an occasional cusser, but at least have enough couth to not say things like that around my little spounge. Regardless, those moments make for some very funny stories.

1 Responses to “No Shit / Big Ass Hill”

  1. # Blogger Shelli

    Oh my gosh...that's funny!  

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