The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I have a couple of big posts in the works, including the American Idol / LOST Finale Party last Wednesday and then some pics of the Memorial Day Weekend. Until then, I'm going to fill up space by asking a question:

What the heck happened to the Painted Horse in front of the NWA Florist shop?? That horse is as monumental and landmarky as Old Main and Dickson Street! And it's gone! Maybe I'm over-reacting and it's been shipped off to a giant paint thinner place to get rid of the 2 tons of paint it has on it. Or maybe it's gone for good. Who knows? All I know is that it is greatly missed.

Maybe that building that houses the Florist and Golf USA has been bought out by the Nelson's Crossing development? It would be nice to get rid of that ugly building. They're putting in a Starbucks next to Red Lobster, so everything else can crumble to the ground, as long as I can get to my White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks. Since it's Fayetteville, maybe they'll put in a giant mosaic of the horse in the ground near the building. I wouldn't put it past Fayetteville to do something like that...they're tacky in their historical preservation sometimes.

In other news, Johnson city council & road crews remain idiots. As previously mentioned, they put in a new light. When on Carley road, turning onto Main Street, you can't see the light since it hangs directly above you. How did Johnson fix this? Move the stopping line back 20 feet! Of course! Ingenious, Johnson....ingenious.

4 Responses to “Nelson's Crossing”

  1. # Blogger Josh and Margo

    That building is getting torn down and those businesses are going to be in the new complex. As for the horse, you are over reacting, who gives a crap.  

  2. # Blogger Jaime

    the horse just moved south about 25 yards. take a gander towards the new starbucks; it's right there.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    To John's defense, we probably would not have noticed the missing horse, but Emma noticed. She was very upset that the horse was not there to look at while we were stopped at the light. Glad to know it is just down a bit.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    How can you get rid of that horse? Can you send a plastic horse "to the glue factory?" If you shoot a plastic horse, do you then have to break its leg? These are the things they are discussing in the Fayetteville city council meetings. Why is the media not covering this? Stinking 40/29.  

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