The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

That's right! Allison and I are having another girl! We went in for the ultrasound this morning and got a "dead on" shot of the baby's nether-regions! And there was no third it's a girl! Allison and I were both pretty sure it was a boy, and Emma kept saying it was a girl. Guess she was right!

The expected due date is October 15th. I will need a LOT of masculine activities lined up, since there is no hope of additional testosterone in my family.

4 Responses to “Baby News”

  1. # Blogger Jason

    congratulations Nelsons.. I would love sharing birthdays with your new addition.. come on Oct. 15th...  

  2. # Blogger Jaime

    yeah! has anyone noticed a same gender sibling trend? interesting...  

  3. # Blogger Brett

    Congrats! Trust me, it's not so bad having all girls - it's 4 girls to 1 guy at our house now!  

  4. # Blogger Andie

    Congratulations! Actually, in France we are seeing the opposite trend lately- opposite gender trend for siblings!  

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