The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

As a parent, I've come to realize that God designed parenthood to give example of his experience and relationship with me. Isaiah 53:6 says that we all like sheep have turned away and gone our own way. I know sheep are dumb, and that's the picture most pastors will preach about our relationship with God. But I think we're more like children. Here's an example:

Tonight, Emma and I went to Lowe's to get some house stuff. I walked in carrying her in my arms. For a little bit, she's kind of scared and enjoys the safety of my closeness and embrace. But as she becomes more comfortable with her surroundings, she starts to squirm in my arms and tries to get down. I put her down and she stands there...just looking around. Then she looks up at me and reaches out her hand for me to hold while she walks around. She laughs, smiles, and we take off!

After walking hand in hand for a few steps, she lets go and kind of swats the air (in a "I don't need your help anymore" manner). She starts walking fast/running down the isle. Her legs are only 10-12 inches long, so it's pretty easy for me to catch up. She stops all of a sudden and looks at a big bucket of bolts...that just happen to be in arm's reach. She steps toward it slowly, never taking her eyes off the bolts. I notice her glance over (eyes head movement) my direction to see what I was doing. Another step.

"Emma, don't touch those" I say gently.

Another step, and her arm goes toward them slowly.

"Emma, I asked you not to touch those. Please come here."

The hand moves slowly to the plastic container...and touches it. (this is similar to the touching of the boat ("butt") in 'Finding Nemo')

I step over quickly and pick her up, not even mad at her...just wanting her to obey and not hurt herself. She starts whining and squirming immediately, wanting to get down and touch the thing I asked her not to touch (anyone want to argue with the fact that we're born rebellious and sinful??). I speak quietly in her ear, trying to calm her down. After a few quite loud screams, she calms down and is content in my arms.

So, what does this have to do with sheep and childrend and Christianity? I'm the EXACT same way with Christ as Emma was with me tonight. I feel the protection and security in His arms when I'm in a new / unfamiliar situation. I depend on Him to help guide me through. But after a while, I get comfortable with my surroundings and think I can do it alone. He lets me down and I stand there, realizing my freedom, but also keenly aware of His closeness and protection. I reach up and want to walk with Him. Then I think I can go it alone, without holding His hand. He lets go and watches over me, though I think I'm going my own way. I see something along my path that catches my eye and stops me dead in my tracks...and I want to touch it. I know He is there, and I know He probably doesn't want me to touch the bolts, but I test Him to see if that's really what He wants.

I get closer, and I hear Him say, "please don't". I hesitate, then realize that I MUST touch the bolts. I get closer...I hear Him again. Then I touch the bolts. I am rebuked and He reminds me of my original goal (which did not include touching the bolts). I squirm and want to go back to my selfish desires. But He continues to hold me and whisper in my ear that He knows what is best, and that He doesn't want me to touch the bolts for my protection and safety. I finally calm down and realize He is right.

Thank you, God for letting me experience parenthood. You've shown me more about Yourself and how much you love me in these past 15 months than I could have imagined.

1 Responses to “More Childlike than Sheepish”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    awesome post.  

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