The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

We put our house on the market Thursday morning. Thursday night, I had to stay at work dealing with a broken server until 1:00 AM. (there's no respect in the IT world...we always work in the background).

Allison hadn't been feeling well all week. Thankfully, Emma was on the road to recuperation and was feeling pretty happy. While at work Thursday night, all I could think about was how much stuff we had to do at the house to get it ready for this weekend's Open House. Friday morning, Allison made a trip to the store and got some medicine...which made her feel TONS better. She called me in the afternoon to tell me she'd done a bunch of cleaning and organizing at the house. That took some stress off! So Friday night, we did some more organizing and tidying up. On Saturday morning, we maxed ourselves out deep cleaning the house. I cleaned all the windows and frames, dusted the blinds, washed the windows, and re-mulched the entire front flower beds. Allison cleaned the floors and the toilets. By the start of the open house at 1:00 PM, things were all shiny and pretty around the house.

We had several people drop by on Saturday, and several more this afternoon. I can't tell if anyone's going to "bite", but we've seen many fish. Time will tell.

However, Allison didn't sleep at all last night: she had a sinus and ear infection that kept her up.
I took Emma to church with me and put her in the nursery. Mickey Rapier gave the talk today at church, and I swear to you that I failed at choking back tears the entire 2nd half of the service!
He spoke about how Christ came to fulfill the Law and to make us new through His sacrifice. Mickey cut to a long clip from "The Passion of the Christ"...the part where Jesus is carrying the cross, Mary "the Mother of God" is anguishing and has the flashback to where he falls as a kid and she comforts him. After falling with the cross, He looks up to her and says "Behold, I make things new!". That's when I cried. Then, all the songs and last part of the message just kept it coming. I don't know what it is about that movie, but it makes me weep inevitably (kinda like songs in D minor...). I'm guessing it makes me cry because of that whole "this is the price my God paid for my behalf" thing.

Anyway, Allison went to the doctor's office (man, my healthcare provider sucks!) and waited in line for an hour (and then some) before she was seen. The doctor told her that it was a sinus and ear infection, and that the eardrum would probably burst. Which it did. Right as a knock came at the door. So, she went outside to call the doctor while I showed the house to a cute, young, engaged couple.

She came back in and said she actually felt better, that at least the pressure was gone, but still isn't feeling all that well. I'll be working from home tomorrow to help out with Emma and cater to Al's every need. After this weekend, I have acquired more respect for her (on top of the great respect I had for her before this weekend). She helped out a ton cleaning the house, and as I took care of Emma, I realized how draining (and rewarding) it is to be a full-time parent. Women amaze me, and Allison amazes me everyday with her strength. Way to go, Allison, and way to go all mommies out there. Your job is so important, and y'all are doing great jobs!

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