The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Well, this is actually Allison writing, not John. This blog was created for both of us to post and for some reason I never have. I have had things I have wanted to post and just have never taken the time to do it.
On Friday morning, I loaded Emma up in the car to go run a few errands with me. I knew I did not have much time before Emma would get impatient being in the stores I wanted to go to. I felt rushed through my first stop, but our second shop was a children's consignment store and they have toys that Emma could play with so that helped. As we were walking to the car to go to our next stop, Emma started walking really slowly. I kept telling her we needed to get in the car. I looked back and she was bent over trying to smell some flowers outside the shop. (I love it when she tries to smell anything because she hasn't quite figured out how to breathe in to smell so she just puts her nose as close to the object as possible) I told her again to hurry up. She continued to smell the flowers. I guess I could have considered this an act of disobedience since I had told her twice to come get in the car, but for some reason it didn't matter that she wasn't obeying me. I realized that all morning long I had hurried her along to go do useless errands that don't matter in the big scheme of things. All she wanted was a few minutes to stop and smell the flowers that God had created without someone telling her to hurry up. I kneeled down next to her and smelled the flowers. She looked so pleased that she had finally coaxed me into getting down on her level to see and smell the flowers. On Friday, Emma taught me to stop and smell the roses. Not just in the literal sense, but in life. I need to slow down and enjoy the people, moments, nature, etc....... that I so often overlook.

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