The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Tonight, the whole family (me, Allison, Emma, and Belle) took a stroll on the University of Arkansas' campus. The main reason for going was to get Emma a little Razorback shirt from the bookstore. I hung out front of the Student Union with Belle and Emma (both just loved the big fountain out front) while Allison went inside to check out the store. Unfortunately, the store was closed for the day. We heard the band practicing somewhere, and Emma started dancing. She recently got the U of A Band's CD and loves dancing to the Fight Song (yes, I'm a proud papa!), so it was a real treat for her to hear them, even though they were far away.

While strolling around, I HAD to take a picture of the famous Walk of Names, and a notable name at that. Take a gander at the name in the dead middle of this picture...yup! You read it correctly! Pradeep Dikshit! Gotta love that!! Lots of jokes and ackward scenarious can be mustered up with this one...but I'll allow your imaginations to run with that. I even took my Cell Group guys there to freestyle walk on campus and see this name! Yeah...I'm a good influence on young adults.

As we strolled along, Emma wanted to walk around, so we let her get out and push the stroller. We walked quite a little loop around by the dorms and then headed back toward the car. Emma is apparently half monkey, as she will climb fearlessly on anything around her. So she loved all the steps around campus. We slowly, but surely, climbed all the steps by the library, and when we got to the top, I started singing the theme to Rocky (doesn't everyone do that after climbing a bunch of steps?) We finally got to the car and headed home after a fun-filled evening at the home of the Hogs. Sure, I felt old being married, fat, and with my child, but I also felt super fulfilled and it made me appreciate the road God has brought me down.

2 Responses to “A Walk at the U of A”

  1. # Blogger Cameron

    Good ole' Pradeep. Classic.  

  2. # Blogger Spencer

    That is awesome. UofA should us that pic for the next student handbook cover.  

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