The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Now, I know y'all are saying "That's not news", but here's an example of why I'm an idiot:

Allison and I babysat our friends' (Benton & Jenny Beth Walker) son, Ben last night. He and Emma were playing together outside as I grilled some pork chops. I grabbed my video camera (a Canon Z85), and shot about 30 seconds of video before my battery died. I obviously forgot to put it on the charger. So, I set it down on the patio table and continue grilling.

My wife informs me tonight that she brought the video camera inside this morning, as I had left it on the table last night...and it poured last night. However big of an idiot I am, God is gracious and merciful to stupid people like myself. I opened all the little nooks and crannies to see if there was moisture on it...none to be found. The lens looked fine with no condensation on or in it, as did the viewfinder and LCD screen. The moment of truth: turning it on. The video camera turned on without a hitch! Granted the battery light came on and it shut off after about 10 seconds, but the fact that it turned on and showed a crisp picture in the LCD means that no major damage was done.

I have to give out to applause:
1) To Canon for making a video camera that can survive a rough night braving the elements.
2) To myself, for being an idiot (once again).

2 Responses to “I'm an Idiot”

  1. # Blogger Jaime

    that's huge. one time my boyfriend who later became my husband ran over my video camera with his trasher friends. i still married him.  

  2. # Blogger Grant

    rich....but not smooth!! hahahahahah...

    when are you going to come back to LR and hang out?  

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