The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I haven't really had too much to post about lately that would qualify for a full post, so I'm just grouping a bunch of my thoughts into one random post.

Metamucil has a commercial running that disturbs me. It's a segment where 3 guys are all walking into the bathroom stalls at the same time, and each greet each other while entering the stalls. The same thing happens the next day and the next day, etc. The point of it is: use metamucil and be one of the "regulars". Now I've NEVER been a "regular". The only kind of bran I like is Raisin Bran, and only that will tons of sugar poured on it and mainly for the raisins. I do have a desire to be MORE regular than I am, but is it worth taking metamucil? No. And the biggest reason why? One of my worst fears / most uncomfortable situations in life is crapping next someone else divided only by a thin metal divider. In my opinion, this time should be extremely personal time. I don't want to share it with co-workers, visitors, or even family. So I will never take metamucil.

Over the past month or so, I have re-discovered my love for peanut butter. On many occasions, I have eaten PB on Saltine crackers for dinner or a snack. I can't seem to get enough PB & Crackers lately. Also, I'm a MASSIVE fan of Sam's Choice Peanut Butter cups. The PB is SO smooth, covered in chocolate. Quite tasty. Thankfully, I can't eat very many at a time or else I would gain another 10 pounds quickly.

XBOX 360
I really can't stop thinking about the new XBOX! I think of it at least 3 times a day, if not more. I've already thought of where to put it on the entertainment center, what kind of faceplate to get, how nice it will be to have wireless controllers so Emma doesn't trip over the cord and unplug my controller during the middle of a game, etc. Christmas can't get here soon enough!

I used to like mowing the lawn. Now, with a swingset and toys all over the yard, I find it less enjoyable. Mainly because there is so much "going around" work that didn't used to be there. It takes more time to mow, having to go around things or move things out of the way. Also, I'm not a huge fan of my front yard's landscaping. But I hate doing landscaping work, so I don't plan on changing it anytime soon. If you like doing landscaping, come over...I have work for you to do.

That's about it for now. I needed to get these off my chest.

2 Responses to “Really Random”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    i agree - the bowel movement experience is personal time.

    i get mad if stu walks in on me. i can discuss it with him later, but not at that moment.
    i tend to keep stu informed about whether i'm having good bowel movements or not. it's good for him to be involved in my health. i learned that poop says a lot about our overall digestive health.

    xbox360(sp?) - i am excited . . .what will i do with all the systems that keep piling up at my apartment. . .?? the thing i get frustrated with is i have favorite games, but they are for different systems. gamecube = Mariokart double dash. keeping that, duh! halo = xbox. i still like mariokart for N64. . . what to do. . what to do . . .  

  2. # Blogger Spencer

    I prefer the Sams choice PB filled pretzel chunks myself.  

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