The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Emma has taught me YET another lesson this week. I guess I should start off by saying that she is often the one to remind John and I to pray before we start eating. She will look at us with her hands clasped together ready to pray. It is sweet.
We have had two incidents this week that have needed prayer. One being a friend that just had a baby and the baby was having some difficulty. I got off the phone with another friend who had updated me on the situation and I told Emma we needed to say a little prayer for him. She immediately stopped riding her bike, clasped her hands and bowed her head. I looked up at her in the middle of the prayer and she was still praying. (even with her eyes closed) This family is doing much better and will probably be going home from the hospital today or tomorrow!!
Tonight we got some disturbing news that John's 83 year old Grannie was in a car accident and was barely hanging on. We were at the park with Emma when the call came. John and I were talking about the whole situation and it was like Emma had been listening to everything going on and somehow understanding. She had been swinging and she came over next to me on the ground and sat. She, once again, clasped her hands and wanted us to pray. So right there in the middle of the park the three of us prayed for Grannie, John's parents, aunts and uncles, doctors, etc......My prayer life has been rejuvenated in the past few days because my 20 month old child spurred me to start praying more. Thank you Jesus for children!!

3 Responses to “A Child's Prayer”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    oh my gosh, i was so touched by your story! wow!  

  2. # Blogger Murray Williams

    John...I am sorry about your grannie. Megan and I are praying for you guys


  3. # Blogger Nate's Nonsense

    Aren't children great? It's amazing how good God is to us. I often think of life without children and it sucks. I have a lot of good memories from being newly married, single, frat house, etc...Many of those memories don't compare to what I have experienced with my children. I know our third child will bring more joy to our house.

    Sorry to hear about grannie. I love you guys a lot. Our prayers are with you.  

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