The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Here is another opportunity to do a blog party...the kind where everyone blogs about the same topic. It worked OH so well on my last attempt, but I have faith in the blog ring that this will come together! Here it goes...the topic is: Favorite Christmas Memories (and/or traditions)!

My Favorite Christmas Memories/Traditions
Growing up in Mountain Home, a ton of my father's family still lived there and/or came back for Christmas time. In fact, my family lived right next to my Uncle Robert and his family, and about 2 blocks from my Pop & Grannie Nelson (my Dad's mom & dad). So, we naturally spent a lot of time together. For several years between my age of 6 and 10, we ALL got together and went Christmas Carolling. There were about 14 of us that went. My entire family is like the Partridge family, too...everyone sang and/or played an instrument. Heck, my Uncle Robert was the high school band director for 20 years! So, when we carolled, it was really great sounding.

I remember practicing several songs over at my Uncle's house. Once, I remember getting really upset because I couldn't pronounce the phrase "in excelsis Deo". I got SOO upset that I ran out of the house and back to my house. My sweet Mom walked over and helped me learn the words by telling me to "just sing 'in egg-shells day-o!'". That helped, and everything was back to normal.

It was so fun to go knock on people's doors (the honor to which they gave the grandkids), then begin singing as they opened the doors. It's a shame more people don't carol to others anymore...I think Christmas would be a lot nicer and more "christmas-y" with that tradition.

2 Responses to “Favorite Christmas Memories”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    that's a great idea!!

    eggshells . . . that's funny!  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    We could only sing "Joy to the World" because it's all we could pull together in 10 minutes, once a year! Do you remember the time we all went in to McDonald's to carol them, like in their holiday TV commercial? They thought we'd landed in a space ship--so much for "cute and clever"!! We need to plan another round of caroling in 2006. YoMa  

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