The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I really like Macs. I love the sleek design, impressive OS, graphics, and countless other features. However, I have been reminded of the reason I do not own a Mac: extreme arrogance and flat out childish marketing againt their competitors. What? You don't agree with me? That's fine...I would expect that from the brainwashed followers of Messiah Jobs.

Apple's latest achievement was to insert Intel chips inside their computers. And from what I've read, the results are extremely impressive...up to 250% increased speeds than Apple's previous computers running different chipsets. However, they pull out this commercial, which basically slams the PC. I have to admit, it's an effective ad campaign...but an 8 year old throwing knives at the other kids gets results, too. This ad campaign is simply childish and arrogant...two words I tend to associate with Mac-heads (not all Mac-heads...I have good friends who own Macs and they aren't brainwashed).

I find it sad that Apple can't play a nice fight. If they have the superior machine (and they do), why must they act so childish in presenting their product by slamming the competition? For that reason alone, I will not own a Mac.

3 Responses to “Arragonce & Bad Sportsmanship Defined”

  1. # Blogger Jason

    thats too bad.. you can just keep re-booting 4 times a day and throwing .dll files all over your OS until you your forced to re-install all your software, including all your ad-aware / spyware / virus software, just to be infected by some worm that sends you back to square one.

    I love my mac, but I don't worship or follow Steve Jobs. Just because they release something new, doesn't mean I am going to rush out and buy it. For some mac-heads that is the case, but not here.

    Also, lets not forget about how Dell has played un-fairly in the past. Article  

  2. # Blogger John Nelson

    By all means, I believe Macs are the better machine (as stated in my post). However, I just think it's disgraceful how Apple chooses to market their product: by needlessly slamming the competition (that happens to have like 92% market share).

    And I know you're not one of the stereotypical Macheads...that's why I put the parenthetical disclaimer in there...

    And I didn't know about the Dell comment. It's funny, but wrong.  

  3. # Blogger Jason

    it's all good. we are still friends right? :)  

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