The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

You scored as William Wallace. The great Scottish warrior William Wallace led his people against their English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior's heart, tactician's mind, and poet's soul, Wallace was a brilliant leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave it up to help his country in its time of need.

James Bond, Agent 007


William Wallace


Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


Batman, the Dark Knight




Indiana Jones


Lara Croft


The Amazing Spider-Man


Captain Jack Sparrow


El Zorro


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
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6 Responses to “Bolts of Lightning from my Arse”

  1. # Blogger John Nelson

    If only I'd had more fighting skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills, and then I could have been 007.  

  2. # Blogger Wayne

    I would much default to the barbaric side...007 is cool and suave, but there's nothing like letting the barbarian in you out!

    that's what the girls realy want anyway!  

  3. # Blogger Spencer

    I got batman, the dark knight. William wallace was at the bottom of the list. Guess I'm not all that patriotic. Batman had some pretty messed up psychological issues...  

  4. # Blogger John Nelson

    He sure does! But he's got a sweet costume and cool car. Plus, he's got that utility belt with all the fun gadgets. Braveheart just has a dress, some warpaint, and the ladies.  

  5. # Blogger Josh and Margo

    I got Indiana Jones. I am happy with that.


  6. # Blogger Shelli

    I'm Lara Croft, but my dog REALLY IS Indiana Jones!!!!!!!!!  

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