The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Besides the barf-o-rama on Sunday night / Monday morning, it was a pretty great weekend! I actually don't remember what we did on Friday night...but I bet it was fun! On Saturday, the fam was headed over to the Kate, Travis, & Olivia Tokar's house to see their new baby goat and jump on the trampoline. We stopped by TJ Max to look for something. While we were there, I yanked a muscle in my back (a common problem...a good sign of underexercise) and decide to go back to the house and let the girls go have fun without me. It's all good, since I was supposed to be talking at the Fellowship College Service the following day and had done very little to prepare. The hand of God hurts sometimes, but it's always for the good. I got to hash out a sermon/talk thing and the girls had a great time at the Tokar's.

Saturday night, the Nate & Sarah McGooden had a few folks over for dinner and an informal birthday party for Grant. The food was great, the fellowship was great, and the cake & ice cream were incredible. We came home and just hung out.

Sunday morning, I drove around for a while, practicing my talk out loud to myself in the minivan.
Feeling a bit more comfortable with it all, I headed to the church to give my talk. The service is still very young (it's only the 4th official service they've had), but there were about 40 college students there. The only goal given to me was "speak about something college students are going through".'s been 5 years since I graduated...I should have some clue, right? was tough coming up with only 1 subject, and one that could be discussed in 30 minutes. I ended up teaching on holding firm to the gospel that was preached to you (Galatians 1:6-8). I know that when I got into collge, I was hit with a ton of "other" gospels...things claiming to be the truth, and some that seemed VERY alike to the gospel of Christ, but differing enough to make me nervous. I used an example (thanks to my sister, Amy) of real fruit and counterfeit fruit (plastic). Knowing what a REAL pear looks like helps you easily identify a counterfeit pear when it comes along. Same thing with the Gospel. Know the gospel of Christ inside/out and you'll be able to see right through a counterfeit gospel. I highlighted some of the "other" gospels that they might encounter, such as Universalism and Relativism. I'm not sure how good the talk really was. It looked good on paper and worked logically. The delivery might have sucked pretty badly.

That night, the puking began. Besides that, it was a pretty decent weekend.

1 Responses to “Weekend Recap”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Best regards from NY!
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