The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

We just got a new printer at work. Instead of throwing away the crazy huge box, I decided to bring it home and make Emma a castle! There's 4 foot tunnel leading into the main part where she has a bunch of toys already in there. Who needs an architecture degree??? This building / designing stuff is wicked easy! Posted by Picasa

5 Responses to “I'm Freaking Awesome!”

  1. # Blogger Jaime

    that rocks!  

  2. # Blogger Shelli

    that is SO awesome! Can you build ME one??  

  3. # Blogger John Nelson

    My hands started hurting before I could get the moat going. My soft computer nerd hands aren't accustomed to working with raw material and manly tools, so they wore out quickly.

    But the entrance tunnel is removable, so that might be considered a drawbridge. I didn't have any rope, so I couldn't create a pulley system for automation. I'm just a simple man making the best of what I had lying around.  

  4. # Blogger Nate's Nonsense

    What can I say? I'm not surprised you came up with this. Make sure you take down if we come over to visit. I don't want my kids getting any ideas.  

  5. # Blogger jlo

    I have a large box at my house that needs to be disposed of. Do you need to add to the castle?  

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