The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I've recently noticed that I say "buh-bye" when ending a phone conversation, both at home and at work. (of course, I throw in the occasional "Toodles!" to friends, too)

I've also noticed how incredibly dumb sounding "buh-bye" is, both verbally and written. Why is it so hard to say "goodbye"? My friend Matt Martin always says goodbye, and each time it strikes me as odd sounding. But it's SO much better and grammatically correct than the backwoods "buh bye" that we all use.

So, in an effort to improve myself, I'm taking a vow to use the word "goodbye" in place of "buh bye". Call me and test me on it. Accountability is needed.


2 Responses to “Goodbye vs. Buh-Bye”

  1. # Blogger Spencer

    After reading your "Goodbye vs. Buh-Bye" thing, I realized that I always say "later", "later man", or "later yo". I'm fine with that.


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I would like to speak of John's immediate progress. I called him 30 minutes after he blogged on "Buh-bye" and he passed!

    I would like to confess: When I get worked up about issues(geo-poltical, my basketball bracket, stupid people, etc) I tend to say "you know" A LOT. If "you" actually knew what I was thinking, then I shouldn't have to tell "you" anything. Since, I know more than the average person I'm talking to I feel obligated to tell you what you should know. On the other hand, "you know" serves as a way for me to reinforce to everyone that what I'm saying to truth and that "you" should already have know that. I hope that clears everything up. "You know" I'm right!  

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