The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

As previously stated, I've been doing some computer work at my vet's office the last couple of nights. In the process, I decided to clean out the dust bunnies from the computers, as it was overflowing from the inside out. He fixes real bunnies, I fix dust bunnies. Now, I really can't harp too badly on the amount of dust collected on the inside front of the's a freaking vet clinic! I have 1 dog, and there is dog hair on everything in my house. I can only imagine how much pet dander is readily available at a vet clinic! So, I have no scolding words...just pure admiration.

PS. I will be posting about the family's trip to Dallas this past weekend, I just haven't had too much time to sit down and do it. (Don't worry, Syd, it's a-comin')

1 Responses to “Dust Bunnies”

  1. # Blogger Sarah

    Could you get on and erase any outstanding balances caused by our sickly dog?  

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