The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Be forewarned...there is some strong language in this clip. However, the point is worth hearing a few F-bombs. If you don't want to watch the video, here's a recap:

An independent filmaker picks up a pirated version of his hit movie, tells people all the pains he went through to get the movie made, produced, and distributed, and let's us know that piracy is wrong. He then states the truest words: The real piracy is Hollywood. There's some stuff about how he makes $0.05 per DVD sold, and got 20% of net returns, but that his movie made millions. He turns around after hammering the movie company and tells the world to burn as many DVDs as they possibly can to get back at Hollywood. He finishes by restating the fact that piracy isn't some kid in his dorm room buring a movie each's the movie studios raping the directors.
Interesting take on piracy.

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