The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

I've seen lots of people changing up their templates recently on their blogs. Since I'm an avid-Google adopter, I've recently started using Google Pages, a website design application. It's OK, and Blogger/Blogger Beta is not integrated into very well yet.

All of this to say: I'm moving. That's right! I'm 1-upping everyone's template changes and switching to the new Blogger Beta and linking it off my new homepage! Take that, lemmings!

So, I guess you'll need to re-bookmark my site to 1) Google Pages or 2) my Beta blog.

I'm gonna miss the old Nellie Spot...but the winds of change are blowing, and I must float with breeze.

2 Responses to “New Blog: The Winds of Change are Blowing”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    maybe you were the cause of my stunted cleverness! :) that question literally haunted me for years. BUT i notice everytime i drive through. (not that it's ever mattered to anyone but you) so even though you were just being a smart@$$ when you asked, i'll tell you- when i was home 2 weeks ago i noticed cabot's made it up to 15,000!  

  2. # Blogger Nate's Nonsense

    You are such a dork John, but I love you anyway! I hope everything is going well with the family and congrats on the new ride.  

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