Many people don't know who Maynard Freguson was. However, most people have heard at least one song by him. Maynard was one of the greatest jazz trumpeters of all time, and he died Wednesday night. The song you probably know? He's the trumpet player from Rocky's theme song.
As a trumpeter, I was required to listen to MF before joining the Jazz Band in Junior High and High School. I wasn't too big on jazz back then, but his masterful skills were something to stand in awe of. According to the MSNBC article, someone in his family, just after he died, said "Gabriel, move over to second trumpet". Now, that's geeky. Even as a trumpeter, I think that's geeky. However, if you've heard MF play, then you know he'll be giving Gabriel a run for his money.
Published by John Nelson
on August 25, 2006 at 6:03 AM.
As a trumpeter, I was required to listen to MF before joining the Jazz Band in Junior High and High School. I wasn't too big on jazz back then, but his masterful skills were something to stand in awe of. According to the MSNBC article, someone in his family, just after he died, said "Gabriel, move over to second trumpet". Now, that's geeky. Even as a trumpeter, I think that's geeky. However, if you've heard MF play, then you know he'll be giving Gabriel a run for his money.
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