The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Allison mentioned this past Monday that it would be fun to go to Tulsa for the day just to hit the zoo and eat at PF Chang's. We were going to go on Saturday, but a friend had an all-day bachelor party that I wanted to attend (golf, skeet shooting, dinner, & poker...quite a combo). So we went today (Sunday).

First off, Allison and I are BIG zoo fans! After today, though, I'm re-labeling ourselves Zoo Snobs. The last zoo we went to was the St. Louis Zoo, which is free and absolutely an incredible place! Allison was 7 months pregnant with Emma at the time, but despite the heat and pregnancy, we had a fantastic time.

We thought that Emma was old enough now (16 months) to at least get excited seeing the animals at the Tulsa Zoo. So we headed up there around mid-day today and hung out for abot 4 hours. On the brochure, it has a small callout that says "Voted America's Favorite Zoo!". Having spent 4 hours there (1 hour just trying to inflate the stroller wheels), I have 1 comment about this vote: Tulsa must have been the only participating zoo in the survey. Now, it was a very nice zoo...but I've had more fun and seen more animals at Gentry's Drive Thru Safari (and that's half the distance to drive and 2 times the adventure!). If you have kids between the age of 4 and 12, I could see that the Tulsa Zoo would be fun...there are tons of playgrounds inside the zoo (I guess to make up for the lack of animals). Regardless of the quality of zoo, we all had a great time. Emma and I rode the carousel, and Emma's biggest animal fun came from a friendly ladybug that landed on her stroller!

After the zoo, we headed out to PF Chang's (the REAL reason we went to Tulsa and not the Drive Thru Safari). We split the Orange Peel Chicken and then headed home.

Now it's time to give Emma a bath and watch Deperate Housewives (our little guilty TV pleasure). Happy Daylight Saving's Time!

1 Responses to “Family Outing”

  1. # Blogger Wayne

    I hope to take the older two to the St. Louis Zoo when we go up there for a Cards game. Can't's been since I was about 5 since I've been that zoo.  

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