The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

This week has been spent at work, and on the couch watching TV. Over-educated people will tell me that I shouldn't do that...but I don't care what they's been a great week of TV!

First, 24 is back on TV! It's easily in my top 3 favorite shows, and it's Allison's #1 favorite. They opened the season with 2 nights of 2 hour episodes. So, a show with 24 episodes is already 4 hours over with...and it was a pretty great opening 4 hours! I'm one who easily buys into a situation. So, I get sucked in quickly, and 24 is great for people like me...very thrilling.

Secondly, American Idol has started it's fifth season. I usually don't like the "tryout" episodes all that much, but so far this year, they've been pretty amusing and/or great. My favorite moment so far is the little Cowboy guy. He's a 16 year old cattle rancher from Wyoming. He currently lives in a town of 4. That's's just his family in the entire town. He really hasn't been in society much...just hung out with farm animals. In a video clip, he talks about how he sings with one of his turkeys on the farm. He gets into the audition room, and is SO nervous, he can't even tell them what song he's going to sing. Judge Randy tells him (compassionately) that he can just sing the song without telling them the name of it. The kid (about to pass out from nerves) begins singing an Elton John song (Can You Feel the Love Tonight, I think it was). He had a really great tone to his voice, even though it was covered frequently by nerves. Aftwards, he mentioned that he had never sung in front of people before...only in front of his turkey. Simon told him to get some voice lessons, because he was going to Hollywood! The kid about falls over with joy in the audition room, and literally falls down with excitement when he sees his family outside. It was a heart-warmer, for sure!

Interesting note: my friend Josh Ayres' cousin from North Carolina (Heather Cox) was in the Denver tryouts for AI, and made it to Hollywood. I'm pretty sure I've met her before, though it was several years ago. Either way, it'll be fun to watch someone you have a connection to (even though it's a remote connection). Good luck to Heather!

1 Responses to “Addicted to TV”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    yeah i get hooked on American Idol so easily. i saw the young cowboy too. cute thing. . never been around people much. i'm glad he made it though!
    did you see the guy who looked and sounded like a girl. didn't help that he was wearing high-heeled boots!! poor guy.  

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