The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Along with every person in the United States, I made a New Year's Resolution to loose some weight. I'm only about 25 pounds over my ideal weight. 25 pounds sure doesn't sound like much does it? 25 pounds would be super easy to loose and pretty quickly...if it weren't for the fact that I have absolutely no self control. The fact that I have no self control applies to most facets of my life, but for simplicity's sake, I'm focusing on my lack of self control in the eating area right now.

I don't have a specific diet I'm following...I'm just focusing on lowering portion size and calorie intake throughout the day. I'm cutting back on cola intake, and drink Diet Dr. Pepper in place of regular Dr. Pepper (that's 180 calories per can right there!). I'm trying to snack better, but that's difficult considering I work for Nestle (two words: Haagen Daaz) and sit behind a desk all day. I'm allowing myself a larger calorie intake in the morning, as I will probably burn them off just walking to the printer 50 times a day. So far, I've been pretty successful. It also helped that I didn't eat for like 3 days after my Barf-O-Rama, and lost an immediate 8 pounds from puking. But man, what a mental faith-builder that can be!!! You start a diet, and 3 days later you're already 8 pounds lighter...a certain confidence booster, regardless the reason!

I have had a few cave-ins, mostly from work. One of our SAM'S Club guys always gets a big tub of powdered donuts for the office when he goes to the Club in Springdale. Normally, I'm the guy eating the majority of them. I told him not to bring them anymore, but he did just to watch me get mad at him. It's a bit messed up, but I'm declaring victory. Instead of eating the 10-15 donuts I would normall eat throughout the day, I had 5. Still not good for me, but a certain improvement. It also helped that I threw the 1/4 full box out at the end of the day. I also had a cave-in at Walmart recently. As I've stated before, I have an utter weakness for Sam's Choice Peanut Butter Cups. I went to pick up some items at Walmart the other night, and accidentally walked past the candy isle and the bag of little beauties caught my eye. They're gone now. Not good.

All in all, I'm doing better than I expected, and for much longer than I expected. Regardless, dieting sucks. I want some powdered donuts now.

2 Responses to “Dieting Sucks”

  1. # Blogger shauna

    way to go!! i know several people with the same resolution.

    believe it or not i understand. i have a horrible weakness for chocolate fondue. geez.
    stu can testify i have fondue AT LEAST once a week. it's the one-person portion and only requires a few pieces of chocolate though.
    other than that, i drink water only, eat fruit, veggies, no fried food, low carbs. . blah blah. . but fondue . . . oooooh.  

  2. # Blogger Shelli

    I hate dieting...dieting hates me.  

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