The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

A coworker of mine (Lisa) recently saw Fantasia Barrino at LAX airport. Fantasia was the winner of American Idol, Season 3. Lisa shares my ridiculous giddyness of all thins American Idol, so she called from the airport and told me she saw her. I didn't get excited...and there was major fallout! She did go over and say hi and ended up talking to her for about 30 minutes, which is pretty cool.

I was never a big Fantasia fan. Actually, I wasn't even a big fan of the entire season 3, for that matter. That's why I didn't get excited. Now had she seen Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Clay Aiken, or Kelly reaction would have been different. She's still giving me a hard time about not getting excited. Apparently, I failed in my American Idol Cheerleader role. The picture is of Lisa (left) and her friend with Fantasia.

2 Responses to “Fantasia (Singer, not the Movie)”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    John, I only got excited about seeing Fantasia because I know how much you like American Idol--I'm only an occassional viewer. I was just trying to be a good friend!  

  2. # Blogger John Nelson

    Sure! Try to turn it around and make ME look like the villian! Nice try!  

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