The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Ok, though I may not REALLY be running for Johnson City Council, it sure is fun to act like it and to daydream about it! I just think it would be really fun to be able to list "City Council Member" on my resume!

Elton (via the Casa Verde Lounge) thought we should come up with some campaign slogans, which is a great idea! Here are a couple slogans I came up with:

"John Nelson for a bigger, better Johnson!"

"John Nelson says, 'Stop sucking, Johnson!'"

"Exit 69: The Best Johnson Ever"

Yes, I am going to go straight to hell in a handbasket...but it's oh so fun! If you have some good slogans for my totally fake campaign for Johnson City Council, leave them in the comments! If I use your slogan, I'll give you a free campaign button!

7 Responses to “City Council Campaign Slogans!”

  1. # Blogger Shelli

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.  

  2. # Blogger Shelli

    Ok, the above "deleted comment" was from me. I actually came up with some REALLY bad slogans...but, then deleted them. I mean, my husband DOES work for our church...I need to stay above reproach.

    ...but darn, they were funny.  

  3. # Blogger John Nelson

    The great thing about comments, is that all comments are emailed to me, so I got to read your comments...and they were REALLY great!  

  4. # Blogger Lafe

    John Nelson: Seriously, John Nelson...

    John Nelson: For Truthiness, Speed Traps, and The Johnson Way...

    Nelson: Keeping Johnson Somewhat Normal Since A Couple Of Days Ago...

    John Nelson: The Only City Council Member That Wear Chaps To Every Meeting...  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Johnson: Where the trains aren't the only things that are long.

    Johnson: We don't need no stinking stoplights!

    Johnson: The only place in America where you can be mayor, chief of police, animal control, and code enforcement at the same time.

    Johnson: Where sheet metal buildings never go out of style.

    Johnson: Small town America so small the cops don't have anywhere to hide.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    John Nelson: Johnson needs a new member.  

  7. # Blogger Sarah

    Make Johnny work for your Johnson.

    J.T. Nelson: Hard on Johnson, good on you.  

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