The Nellie Spot

My Happy Place

Last night, I was folding some clothes on the couch while watching American Idol. I paused the show because Allison was reading a book to Emma before she went to bed. In the quietness (which is rare in our household), I noticed something that brought such joy and love into my heart: my wife's beautiful voice.

As mentioned in my last post, it's easy for me to overlook a lot of things. I remember when Allison and I were dating and would talk on the phone. I loved hearing her voice on the other end of the phone. It's so delicate and sweet. Amongst all the noise and busyness of life since we've been married, the beauty of her voice was always in my mind, though somewhere in the back. To truly hear her voice again reminded me of one of the things I love about her. And it was all the sweeter to know she was using that wonderful voice to speak loving words to our daughter. I'm so thankful that this moment happened. It's great to re-discover one of the million things I love about my wife.

2 Responses to “Beautiful”

  1. # Blogger Shelli

    That is so very sweet.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I love you!!

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